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Results for "keyword: "enemies""
Purim A celebration with cookies, a biblical story, noisemakers, and a chance to laugh at our enemies and ourselves.
Brian Patrick in Earthspirit Who is our neighbor
Transforming Our Reactions to Enemies Meditation to develop equanimity.
For the Unknown Enemy A reflection on the unknown good in our enemies.
Welcoming the Stranger Meditation on heart-centered connection to an other.
Chronic Difficult Encounters A call to use a Hebrew word from the Torah in response to a difficult interaction.
Why Deprive Them of Joy? A practice of allowing accusations because of the joy that opponents' pious zeal gives them.
Richard W. Chilson in Yeshua of Nazareth An opportunity to identify with someone who's in your way while you're driving.
What Would Buddha Do? Defeating your enemies with grace.
An Invitation to Pray for Transformation Prayers for yourself help not just you but the whole world.